Why do we cry? – The truth behind the tears

Who cries more?

On this matter without any hesitation replied that women are bigger sissy than men. And would be somewhat right.

Until you start to go to school, boys and girls cry equally often. But as time goes boys start to cry less. It still can not be told whether it is caused by the pressure of society to boys to hide their tears or because of hormones in puberty that make girls more likely to tear the tears.

Women cry on average 64 times a year, and men 17 times. If you ask a man the last time they cried before someone will take a long time before recall. For women it is not true.

Scientists believe that one of the reasons why women cry more often is the hormone prolactin, whose level increases in the female body during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and lactation. Women have 60% more prolactin in their bodies than men.

Interestingly, as far as age, women begin to cry less, and men more often. To change it again blame the hormones. Over time women reduces the presence of female hormones and increases the concentration of the male hormone testosterone. Because they are often angry, but rarely cry.

Conversely, men are reduced presence of testosterone, so they rarely get angry and cry often.