Top 10 Home Remedies For Cough

  • Honey. You could know that honey is the most popular and most effective means of alleviating the cough.Medical experts agree that eating honey before bed reduces cough and improves sleep.
  • Attention! Do not give honey to a child younger than 1 year.
  • Hot lemon water with honey. In the bowl of warm water drain one lemon and add a big spoonful of honey. This is a popular natural remedy for sore throat.
  • Onion syrup and sugar. Onion juice is a popular remedy for cough. Many argue that it is the only thing that helped get rid of dry cough. Here’s how to prepare:

Cut off the bottom of a red bulb onion. Then, cut the top and carved out the onions so that you make a hole without pushing the bottom. Fill the onion with 2-3 teaspoons of sugar.On the bottom with knife make small bites, set onion over a cup or bowl and leave it overnight. Overnight sugar will melt, and the cup expires small amount of onion juice.At morning take the remaining sugar stood into the onion and mix it with the juice squeezed out. Drink the liquid. Optionally, you can sweeten with honey.